The UT Barcelona is a Trail Running sporting event with several races of different distances Speed Trail, Half Marathon, Marathon & Ultra; 11kms / 26kms / 40kms / 61kms, aprox.
The event will also have a “Caminada Popular”.
We ask for your cooperation and respect for the established protection regulations.
For this reason, it is necessary to remember that:

For more information on good environmental practices to be respected during warm-up and competition, visit the Good Practices Manual (FEDME).
The UT Barcelona is based on ethics and essential values shared by runners, sponsors, volunteers and organizers. And this commitment is certified with the
Biosphere seal.
3.1 Eco-responsibility
Do not leave garbage in nature, use the available containers, respect the flora and fauna, and strictly follow the marked route without using shortcuts. The organization will use, whenever possible, reusable or recyclable material and will proceed to the selective collection (batteries, paper, plastic, etc.). The marking of the course, done on foot, will be collected on the same day. The course will be cleaned up immediately after the last runner. Paper communication will be reduced to a minimum, prioritizing electronic support.
3.2 Solidarity
The respect of the runners, volunteers, sponsors and the public are essential elements of the UT Barcelona.
3.3 Anti-doping controls
3.3.1. Doping controls may be conducted at any of the races according to the rules of each nation, the AMA protocol and in agreement with the corresponding national federation.
3.3.2. Competitors are obliged to attend the doping controls assigned to them, in accordance with the rules of each nation and the AMA protocol.
4.1. Minimum age:
Each distance has a minimum age to participate:
4.1.1. For the Speed Trail distance, it will be required to be 15 years old on December 31st of the year of the race.
4.1.2. For the Half Marathon, Marathon & Ultra distance the minimum age is 18 years old on the year of the race.
4.2. Registration:
To have completed the registration correctly. The fact of making the registration shows the participant’s conformity with these rules.
4.3. Material:
Each runner will have to carry the mandatory material requested by the organization plus the one he/she believes adequate to withstand the conditions of the mountain and the traverse depending on the conditions, the weather and the route.
MATERIAL A (required)
- Trail running shoes that fully cover the foot.
- Thermal or survival blanket (minimum size of 2 x 1.2 m).
- Hydration system (at least 1 liter).
- Backpack or equivalent piece.
- Cell phone turned on and not in airplane mode.
- Hooded jacket made of waterproof (at least 10,000 mm water column) and breathable fabric, such as Gore-Tex®, Membrain®, H2NO®, HyVent® or similar, with thermo-sealed seams and in the runner’s size.
- Caloric food reserve appropriate to the course and the number and type of refreshment posts of the race.
- Second long-sleeved thermal layer of at least 180 g, in the runner’s size.
- Tights or leggings combined with a shirt.
- Cap, tubular or similar piece.
MATERIAL B (according to weather forecast)
- Waterproof pants.
- Thermal T-shirt.
- Gloves.
MATERIAL A (required)
- Trail running shoes that fully cover the foot.
- Thermal or survival blanket (minimum size of 2 x 1.2 m).
- Hydration system (at least 1 liter).
- Backpack or equivalent piece.
- Cell phone turned on and not in airplane mode.
- Hooded jacket made of waterproof (at least 10,000 mm water column) and breathable fabric, such as Gore-Tex®, Membrain®, H2NO®, HyVent® or similar, with thermo-sealed seams and in the runner’s size.
- Caloric food reserve appropriate to the course and the number and type of refreshment posts of the race.
- Cap, tubular or similar piece.
MATERIAL B (according to weather forecast)
- Second thermal layer of at least 180 g, in the runner’s size.
- Tights or leggings combined with a tights.
MATERIAL A (required)
- Trail running shoes that fully cover the foot.
- Hydration system that can be refilled at the refreshment point (no cups at the 2 race refreshment points).
- Cell phone turned on and not in airplane mode.
MATERIAL B (according to weather forecast)
- Hooded jacket made of waterproof (at least 10,000 mm water column) and breathable fabric, such as Gore-Tex®, Membrain®, H2NO®, HyVent® or similar, with thermo-sealed seams and in the runner’s size.
4.4. Insurance:
4.4.1. The organization will have a third party liability insurance in force according to current regulations.
4.4.2. Participants will have to have a minimum accident insurance that covers the activity (Llicència FEEC – Modality C). Participants who do not have a federative license of this modality will have to contract it at the time of registration.
4.5. Categories
Male and female categories will be defined:
- Absolute
- Junior (18, 19 and 20 years old on December 31, of the year of the race)
- Veterans (from 40 to 49 years old as of December 31, of the year of the race)
- Master 50 (from 50 to 59 years old as of December 31, of the year of the race)
- Master 60 (from 60 years to December 31, of the year of the race)
- Cadet (15 and 16 years old by December 31, of the year of the race)
- Youth (17 and 18 years old by December 31, of the year of the race)
- Veterans (from 40 to 49 years old as of December 31, of the year of the race)
- Master 50 (from 50 to 59 years old as of December 31, of the year of the race)
- Master 60 (from 60 years to December 31, of the year of the race)
The first three male and female finishers in the categories will have a prize:
- Absolute
- Cadet (15 and 16 years old as of December 31 of the year of the test)
- Youth (17 and 18 years old as of December 31 of the year of the test)
- Veterans (ages 40 to 49 as of December 31 of the year of the test)
Prizes will be awarded to the first male and female finishers in the categories:
- Master 50 (from 50 years to 59 years as of December 31 of the year of the test)
- Master 60 (from 60 years old to December 31 of the year of the test)
Prizes can be cumulative.
- First three classified (absolute classification. First three teams that finish with the shortest possible time.)
- First three classified (absolute classification. First three teams that finish with the shortest possible time.)
* The relay category will have a minimum and maximum participation of:
- Ultra Distance: minimum 2 and maximum 6.
- Marathon distance: minimum 2 and maximum 4.
The changes will be made to the supplies established by the organization. In no case can a change be made outside the established locations.
4.6. Money-back guarantee
The organization offers a Money Back Guarantee according to which 100% of the registration fee will be refunded to all those runners who have contracted this service at the time of registration, by notification up to 7 days before the race.
5.1. Cancellation conditions
Any cancellation of registration must be made by e-mail to:
[email protected]. Cancellations by telephone will not be accepted. The payment of the registration refund will be made by credit to the card used at the time of registration, under the following conditions.
Date of application | Percentage of reimbursement
Up to 30 days before | 80%
From 29 to 15 days | 50%
From 14 to 8 days | 25%
Less than 8 days | 0%
6.1. Participants and organizers are subject to compliance with Royal Decree 1428/2003 of November 21, 2003, which regulates the General Traffic Regulations, and more specifically Article 14 of Annex 2.
6.2. Participants accept the rules and exempt the organizers from any liability in case of accident or material or bodily damage suffered during the competition, before or after it.
6.3. Participants compete at all times under their own free will. They are informed that participation in this sporting event involves a risk of injury to participants, from minor injuries to death.
Any type of damage suffered during the race, for example and without excluding other reasons, those caused by falls (whatever the reason), run over, health problems arising from sport,
illnesses, fainting, injuries (regardless of their seriousness) caused by fauna or flora, etc., or damage to equipment including loss, destruction, breakage, theft or loss due to sporting accidents or due to the dynamics of the activity itself.
6.4. It will be the obligation of the participants to progress safely at all times, they feel responsible for their actions and at the same time responsible for assuming the risk of the activity and the environment. This type of competition, taking place in the natural environment, in places of difficult control and access, implies an additional risk for the participants. By virtue of this, the participants attend at their own will and initiative, feeling aware and assuming the risks and consequences inherent to the participation in this event.
7.1. The organization will place, at certain points along the route and at the controls, specialized personnel in charge of ensuring the safety of the participants. It is mandatory to follow the instructions of these personnel, who will be properly identified.
7.2. Medical personnel and ambulances will be available at strategic points along the route to intervene in case of need. These places of medical assistance will be indicated on the official map of the race.
7.3. There will be a sweeping team in charge of closing the race and collecting all the marks of this, after its passage. Therefore, if a participant has been overtaken by the barre team, he/she will not find any marks.
7.4. In case of adverse weather conditions or force majeure, the organization reserves the right to suspend, neutralize or modify the time slots and / or the route and refreshments. In this case the registration fee will not be refunded.
8.1. The Race Directors and competition referees may withdraw a rider from the competition when they consider that the physical or technical capabilities of the rider are diminished due to fatigue, that he/she does not have the required equipment, or that his/her conditions are not appropriate for continuing in the race.
8.2. The competition jury may suspend, shorten, neutralize or stop the race, for safety or force majeure beyond its control (weather, external causes, etc.).
8.3. The Commissaires of the CP are responsible for the Control Points of Obligatory Passage. Participants may not complain or question the commissaires about the rules, classifications and itineraries.
8.4. The organization reserves the right to modify the rules of the UT Barcelona or suspend these, in case of an eventuality or force majeure.
9.1. All Controls are mandatory. Participants are responsible for registering their passage through each of them and at the finish line. The loss or deterioration of the chip implies the corresponding sanction. In the controls there will be staff of the organization.
9.2. All the mandatory checkpoints will be marked on the map, but there may be other checkpoints along the route so that all participants follow the marked itinerary and respect the rules. All the controls have the same mandatory validity, so not passing through one of them implies the corresponding penalty.
9.3. The route between checkpoints must be done following the marked marking and in the established direction. For reasons of safety, sportsmanship and environment, you can not leave the marked route.
10.1 Prior to the start, there will be a control to gain access to the closed starting area:
– Verification of bibs.
– All or part of the mandatory equipment may be checked by the referees.
– Participants who do not provide the mandatory material, or who present it unusable or defective, will be subject to the corresponding penalty.
10.2 After passing through the finish line, there will be a control to leave the enclosed area of the finish line:
– All or part of the compulsory material may be checked by the referees.
11.1 It is necessary to present an identity document with a photograph in order to pick up the race bib. Under no circumstances may the race bib be exchanged with a third person. Under no circumstances will the race bib or gifts be sent to the runner’s home address if he/she has not participated in the race.
11.2 Participants must wear at all times the race bib provided by the organization. The bib must be placed on the front and must always be visible, it cannot be cut, folded, covered or modified.
All participants who finish the distance for which they registered for the UT Barcelona within the established time will be considered Finishers and will receive a gift corresponding to their distance.
By registering, each participant waives the right to use his/her image rights and authorizes the organization and its sponsors to freely use and publish any photograph or video recorded in the context of the race.
14.1. It is mandatory to pass correctly through all the checkpoints provided for this purpose, including the start and finish line.
14.2. If the race has to be interrupted and suspended at a point along the route, the classification shall be determined according to the order and time of arrival at the point of interruption or, if not, at the last checkpoint carried out.
15.1. There are different types of refreshment posts distributed along the course:
– Liquid
– Solid / light (drinks, sweet foods, salty foods)
– Solid (drinks, sweet foods, salty foods, pasta, etc.).
15.2. Reusable cups. There will be no disposable plastic cups at the race. Each runner must bring a container to drink at the refreshment posts.
In case of adverse weather conditions or force majeure, the organization reserves the right to suspend, neutralize or modify the time slots and / or the route and refreshments. In this case the registration fee will not be refunded.
17.1 Personal assistance is permitted exclusively at the refreshment points established by the organization. Except in these specific areas, it is forbidden to be assisted, accompanied or supplied externally by a person not registered for the race.
17.2 Bag of life: in the distance that the bag of life is enabled, this will be released in the collection of bib and you can put sports equipment. The organization will only transport this bag and not others, and it must be clearly marked with the runner’s bib number, as well as being very closed without protruding material.
18.1. Volunteers
Except in case of injury, it is only possible to abandon at a checkpoint. If this point is not accessible by vehicle, the runner will have to access by his own means to the nearest evacuation point. It is forbidden to leave the marked course without informing the organization and without being duly authorized. It is mandatory to sign in if it is a timing control point.
18.2. Obliged
The organization may temporarily stop a runner or force him to leave the race if it considers that his condition endangers his physical integrity or safety.
19.1. A penalty of three minutes up to disqualification may be applied:
– Littering outside the control zones (100m +/-);
– Receiving any kind of assistance in unauthorized areas (not at specified points such as aid stations);
– Not following the course signs, voluntarily or not;
– The race bib is not visible or has been tampered with;
– Fake the start;
– Failure to pass through the obligatory control points;
– Unsportsmanlike behavior: not assisting another competitor in need of help;
– Failure to wear or use the required equipment;
– Not respecting the indications of the organizers or judges.
19.2. Disqualification shall apply for:
– Failure to participate in the awarding of prizes without just cause;
– Refusing to submit to anti-doping tests or giving a positive result in an anti-doping test.
20.1. They have to be written and ratified with the name and bib number of the claimant at the finish line or at the publication of the provisional results. A deposit of up to 20 euros may be required and will be refunded if the case is accepted.
Claims may be made up to one hour from the publication of the provisional results.
21.1. This regulation is generic to the UT Barcelona event and affects all the races that take place.
21.2. Each race may have its own specific regulations which specifically define more technical aspects of the rules and is an extension of these rules in relation to the cut-off times, maximum race time, mandatory equipment and categories.